Participating in the virtual choir la Marmotte with Eurochorus and the German-French Choirs

You are concerned by our project if you sing in a Franco-German choir, have participated in a Eurochorus session or are an amateur choir singer.

… and have been despairing of not being able to sing in a choir for a year.

In anticipation of bringing the choristers together again on one stage, Eurochorus, in partnership with the DFC-CFA Federation and with the financial support of the Franco-German Civic Fund, offers you the opportunity to participate in a virtual choir in the form of a video that brings together the audio and video recordings that each of you sends us.

We are pleased to invite you to participate, each behind his/her music stand, in the choral recording of Beethoven’s “Marmotte/The Marmot” in a text by Goethe, in a version for choir by Peter Schindler (translation of the first verse into French proposed by Géraldine Marmier).

Our aim is to create a quality video. We will therefore provide you with working files to facilitate the learning of the score, and we will organise webinars per pitch at the beginning of April to provide the technical instructions and overcome any difficulties. All these tools can be accessed via the links described below.

In order for us to integrate your contributions and produce and broadcast the virtual concert on the internet in early May, the deadline for submitting your video is 19 April 2021 (at midnight), together with your signed certificate allowing us to use your image in our production (although we cannot guarantee that every choir singer will be clearly seen or heard).

While we wait for better days for choral singing, we propose to give you a virtual access to a work and its learning technique.

We count on your participation to find and share the joy of singing together again.

We provide you with freely accessible tools to find in the page virtual choir tools

Erwan Tacher                  Musical director of the virtual concert, choir director of DFC Bremen
François Dusser              Chairman of Eurochorus
Erik Cummerwie            Chairman of the Federation of German-French Choirs