Provision for compliance with the
(General Data Protection Regulation)

1.      General provisions

EUROCHORUS takes the protection of the personal data of its members and partners seriously and ensures through technical and organisational measures that the legal provisions on data protection are complied with both by the association and by external service providers. Compliance with this obligation is regularly monitored by the Board of Directors.

The collection, processing, use and dissemination of data takes place primarily with the consent of the owner of the data and solely for the purpose of fulfilling Eurochorus’ commitments to its members and partners.

There shall be no sale or free disclosure to third parties of the data of Eurochorus members and partners. Disclosure to third parties may only take place for legal and binding reasons and in the interest of Eurochorus.

A member or partner of the association has the possibility at any time to inform himself/herself about the use and fate of his/her protected data; he/she has the right to documentation on compliance with the data protection rules in his/her respect. He/she has the right to revoke a given consent at any time and to demand the deletion of his/her data (Article 17 EU-GDPR).

Eurochorus’ partners and third parties are equally protected by the compliance of Eurochorus’ management with data protection provisions.

Where external service providers are involved to whom personal data is to be made available, the conclusion of a corresponding contract ensures that the data protection provisions are complied with in the same way by the contracted company.

2.      Personal data collected

The personal data that the Eurochorus association collects during the registration of each member concerns:

  • Name and contact details (postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, age)
  • As well as some information about his or her singing practice (choir, section, known works, etc.).

In the case of a minor member, the data collected also includes the contact details of each of the two parents or guardians and, if applicable, the name of the custodian.

The Eurochorus association also collects the personal data of professional contributors (choir conductors, singing teachers, instrumentalists, soloists…) strictly necessary for the establishment of

  • an employment contract (name, postal and e-mail address, telephone and bank details)
  • and the declaration and payment of social contributions associated with their remuneration (date and place of birth, social security number, GUSO number).

3.      Use and retention of personal data collected

The personal data collected is used to communicate with Eurochorus members about the activities of the association for which they are registered.

They are used in the following years to inform them about Eurochorus activities (new courses, concerts, meetings…) and any other news concerning the association.

In the same way, these data allow us to contact a professional we know in order to propose a new contract.

The personal data collected each year are kept without delay in the association’s files managed by the members of the board in charge of registrations and the treasury. They are updated each time a member who is already in these files registers.

4.      Rights to access and delete personal data

Each member may request communication of his or her personal data kept by the Eurochorus association.

Each member can request the deletion of their personal data by explicitly asking for it.

The use of the rights of access, rectification, deletion and limitation is obtained by sending an e-mail to, specifying the subject and the request.

In case of revocation or indication of incorrectly collected data, these will be deleted immediately (art. 21, 18 EU-GDPR.)

The right of recourse to a data protection supervisory authority (Article 77 EU-GDPR) is expressly stated. In our case, only the CNIL is competent.

The persons responsible for data protection and data processing in our association are the president, the person responsible for registration and the treasurer.