Organisation of the course

The venue

The Goethe Institut in Toulouse, right in the centre of old Toulouse, is hosting the 2024 session of Eurochorus.

The address :

Goethe Institut Toulouse
4 bis, rue Clémence Isaure
31014 Toulouse

The working room :

Below is a location map :

The nearest metro station to the Goethe Institut is Esquirol on line A (indicated on the map), or a little further on at Capitole station, also on line A.
Website : Goethe Institut Toulouse

Attention :
  • The reception on Sunday July 7 will take place at the Grande Salle Saint Michel, 18 grande rue Saint Michel, M° line B, Saint Michel Marcel Langer station
  • Monday and Tuesday morning, depending on the desks, the musical workshops take place at the Goethe Institut or in the small Saint Michel room, 95 grande rue Saint Michel, M° line B, Saint Michel Marcel Langer station (towards the Palais de Justice on the exit of the metro)

Location plan and image of the Great Hall of Saint Michel:

Location plan and image of the small Salle Saint Michel:

Accommodation :

Eurochorus does not provide accommodation for students. However, all types of accommodation close to the rehearsal venue are available in Toulouse (hotels, bed and breakfasts,, airbnb, etc.) depending on the preferences of each trainee. It may be worth looking for accommodation close to metro line A.

Catering :

The Goethe Institut does not have a restaurant.
However, its location in the old centre of Toulouse means that there are many restaurants of all kinds nearby, and the banks of the Garonne are very pleasant for picnics (Promenade Henri-Martin and Place de la Daurade) !

We are looking into the possibility of having a few meals together during the course, at a cost of around €15-20 per meal (price to be confirmed). Meal reservations must be requested when you register.

Getting to Toulouse by public transport :

By train : arrival at Gare Matabiau
By plane : Toulouse-Blagnac airport, airport shuttle with stop at Gare Matabiau.

Please note : the T1 tram no longer serves the airport; a No. 31 bus from the airport runs to the T1 Guyenne-Berry stop (work underway on the new metro line).
All the information on Tisseo or via the Tisseo application Tisseo

    Timetable from 7 to 13 July 2024

    The general schedule for the Eurochorus 2024 course is shown below. As usual, the time slots announced correspond to the maximum slots. They may be reduced on certain evenings as the learning process progresses, and may give rise to free evenings.

    These periods alternate between tutti and divisi work and vocal workshops run in parallel.

    • Trainees will be welcomed on the morning of Sunday 7 July, at 11:00.
    • Musical work will also begin on 7 July at 14:00.

    Attached is the detailed schedule: Organization of the meeting

    End-of-course concert : Saturday 13 July at 5pm, at Saint Exupère church in Toulouse
    Address: 6, rue Lamarck, 31400 Toulouse

    Below is the link to reserve tickets for this concert via helloasso :

    Or by the qrcode below :

    • General Rehearsal will take place from 9.30am to 12.30pm at Saint Exupère church. Meeting point for choristers at 10am.
    • Pre-concert meeting for choristers in uniform at the church at 4pm.
    • A drink will be offered at the end of the concert to the choristers, musicians and concert-goers to round off this week of friendly Franco-German encounters.

    Location map :

    * Citizens’ meeting on Wednesday 10 July
    Wednesday afternoon has been set aside for a citizens’ meeting in the exhibition room of the DRAC Occitanie, 32, rue de la Dalbade, which is hosting an exhibition by the FAFA (Fédération des Acteurs Franco-Allemands pour l’Europe) on Franco-German friendship “Du traité de l’Élysée au traité d’Aix-la-Chapelle”.
    The meeting is organised with the support of the general secretariat of the Maison de l’Europe Toulouse Occitanie and has the following agenda :

    • 13:00 Cocktail lunch (reserved for Eurochorus participants).
    • 14:00 Conference-debate on “Franco-German friendship” by Catherine Canto, speaker from the City of Toulouse.
    • 15:00 Discussions on “European citizenship and prospects for the European institutions after the elections on 9 June, in France and Germany”, moderated by Geneviève Saint-Hubert, Secretary General of the Maison de l’Europe Toulouse Occitanie.
    • 16:00 Conclusion by François Dusser, Chairman of Eurochorus.

    The conference room at the DRAC in Toulouse

    Working session in Cologne in 2023